Life of a Homeschooling Mommy!!!

In case any of you don't know I homeschool my kiddos!!! I have a 7,5 and 3 year old and they are my life!!! My daughter who's 7 is very shy, idk if very is strong enough of a word for how shy she is lol!!! She went to public school for Pre-K, K and half of 1st grade, after Christmas that's when we made the decision to homeschool!!! We've been doing it for almost a year now and we LOVE it!!! It's absolutely amazing, we go to OVCA through K-12! It's a free program that I would recommend to anyone that wants is considering homeschooling!!! My 7 year old and my 5 year old LOVE it, and with my hubby being in the military it's really convenient to our lifestyle... I'll be posting more about our homeschooling journey as we go!!! I also will be blogging about my personal life in this section!!! About things I do to stay sane and all the fun adventures my children and I go through while I homeschool and work and my hubby being in the military!!! If you have any questions please feel free to ask you can email me at anytime